Pillars of Fire.

ABT and Gill‘s City Center season opens to grand reviews: “Gillian Murphy as Hagar, the repressed heroine, knew that a Tudor dancer emotes through movement, not the face, and much of her impact came through sheer muscular power, especially in her space-devouring leaps…The beauty of Ms. Murphy’s performance was in its contrast, between her dazed outcast and a desperate but not hysterical woman whose emotions visibly surge through her body.” Also in dance news, the Globe profiles Ethan Stiefel, my sister’s boyfriend.

Ballet mistresses and Web masters.

Over the break, I took over webmaster responsibilities for my ballerina sister’s website from my parents. And after a move over to Cornerhost (whom I can ‘t say enough good things about. It’s a great place to reside.) and a quick redesign, GillianMurphy.com is open for business. If you’re interested in ballet at all, you might want to check it out.