2 thoughts on “Ballet mistresses and Web masters.”

  1. Nice job, Kevin, that was a much-needed update. And I thought you were just relaxing and having fun in Chesapeake…

  2. K-
    very nice job there Kevin,
    good work on such short notice.
    Ahhhh, ballerinas…
    the love of my live, once upon
    a time, was a ballerina, retired
    from actively dancing ballet, but
    still working out, occasionally
    teaching. Oh man, do those folks
    work HARD!
    and THANKS for the anniversary
    mention re the dumbmonkey. Been
    a real pleasure to stop by here
    and stay abreast of things with
    your assistance.
    Pet the poochster for me,
    will ya?
    best regards,
    j pivarnick

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