Also: The Cratchits were Welfare Scum.

Incoming! That whistling sound you may hear in the background is James Woods, Kelsey Grammar, and assorted other C-listers in search of a paycheck veritably screaming down the Murphometer after I just witnessed the trailer for An American Carol, a.k.a. David Zucker’s new spoof for — alas, not of — right-wing idiots. When Bill O’Reilly’s in your ad and he’s not the butt of the punchline, you know there’s trouble. (And, what, was Stephen Baldwin busy? Somehow, I doubt it.) Unfortunately, however funny Airplane was, Zucker seems to have lost his mind some time ago.

2 thoughts on “Also: The Cratchits were Welfare Scum.”

  1. Well, obviously somebody needs to stop Michael Moore taking away the Fourth of July. Also, you should hate him because he’s fat.

    Those South Park guys did conservative-funny — and Moore-bashing — better in that movie with the puppets.

  2. It looks hilarious but those liberal media movie critics and hollywood elitists will never give it a chance.

    Yikes. David Alan Grier will work for food. And a certain someone must have spent all that Frasier money.

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