Where’s La Boeuf?

As closure to the Indy 4 casting rumors posted a few weeks ago: It turns out that Shia La Boeuf is in fact in for Dr. Jones’ fourth adventure (as is Cate Blanchett and Ray Winstone, but sadly, no Sallah), likely as the prodigal son. La Boeuf seems like a solid actor, all in all, but as I said before, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

One thought on “Where’s La Boeuf?”

  1. George Lucas = Craptacular. Be ready for an all new Soviet Era inspired CGI character– Yaro Yaroslav Yaroslavovich. He’ll talk with zis extreme Russian accent and chain-smoke throughout the picture.

    Lucasfilm can suck the big one, and will, I guarantee, f*%$ up what remains as the last iconic character of our generation. Star Wars is dead; let’s have Indiana Jones to do some group therapy on film and become a kinder and gentler action hero who gets in touch with his long lost son. I can smell the stink on this one, too, Murph.

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