What’s that, boy? Timmy got soaked in a rainstorm?

So Berk and I went to the dog park as usual this sweltering morning and, not five minutes after we get there, he starts whimpering and pawing at the gate – something I’ve never seen him do before. So we leave, and he basically drags me home at a full clip the whole ten minutes. Just as we get to the doorstep, the sky splits open and a wicked thunderstorm emerges right on top of us. Vast sheets of rain and thunder so nearby I’m expecting a power outage any minute. It’s nice sometimes to have a PreCog dog.

2 thoughts on “What’s that, boy? Timmy got soaked in a rainstorm?”

  1. lol…..funny that such an orwell inspired phrase
    hasn’t received its proper credit. Honestly, I’ve been flippin through reviews and have yet to hear this parallel drawn. Maybe Im crazy, someone help me out here?!

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