“We Got Him.”

In a hole in the ground lived a Hussein…until today. (There’s also a Gimli joke in here somewhere, but let’s not be too flippant.) Any way you cut it, this is excellent news. By capturing Saddam, we’ve struck a considerable blow against the continuing Iraqi resistance (even if this capture won’t faze many anti-American groups joining in the fight.) By capturing him alive, we’ve prevented his martyrdom. By turning him over to an international tribunal, we can now help bridge the widening gaps between the US and the world on Iraq. (And, for the Dems, it’s better for Saddam to have been found now, eleven months before the election, than for a October surprise later down the road.) Of course we still haven’t found anything to suggest our WMD casus belli was legitimate, but hopefully this capture will make the situation in Iraq much more stable and less deadly for our troops abroad. And, while it might be too much to ask, perhaps it will encourage the Bush administration to refocus on capturing America’s public enemy #1, Osama Bin Laden, before they launch any more military sideshows.

One thought on ““We Got Him.””

  1. From the Department of Leaks:

    Bloomington, IL, Dec 2.
    “US Rep. Ray LaHood held his thumb and forefinger slightly apart and said, ‘We’re this close” to catching Saddam Hussein.’

    “Once that’s accomplished, Iraqi resistance will fall apart, said the five-term Republican congressman from Peoria who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

    “A member of The Pantagraph editorial board — not really expecting an answer — asked LaHood for more details, saying, ‘Do you know something we don’t?’

    ” ‘Yes I do,’ replied LaHood.”


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