War on the Poor.

“It was unfortunate political timing for House Republicans: On Friday, as the Agriculture Committee was drafting budget-cutting legislation that could knock 295,000 people off food stamps, the Agriculture Department released findings that 529,000 more Americans went hungry last year than in 2003.” As is their wont, the House GOP cut food stamps, student loans, Medicaid, and child support enforcement in the name of preserving Dubya’s tax breaks for millionaires. Whatsmore, “[a]ccording to the Congressional Budget Office, neither the House nor the Senate bills will actually trim projected budget deficits, since they will be followed by a package of tax-cut extensions that would cost the Treasury $70 billion over five years.

2 thoughts on “War on the Poor.”

  1. The only cuts I applaud are the one’s they made to child support. Family Law is tilted HEAVILY on the side of the custodial parent.

  2. I agree with Eddie. Spend some of that CS enforcement money on visitation enforcement and shared parenting initatives. Once the CS gravy train is stopped, watch the divorce rate, the number of fatherless children, and the need for food stamps all drop simultaneously.

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