Two-Front War.

I haven’t spoken much about it here, but obviously the situation in Iraq is getting much, much worse. I think it’s now safe to assume that our war president‘s June 30 pullout date is an election-year fantasy. Who the hell’s running this half-assed outfit? You’d think that after getting us involved in this unnecessary sideshow of a war, Bush and the neocons would at least have the decency to execute it properly. But, no, they’re still prattling on about a peaceful transfer of power and hoping we ignore the unmistakable signs of an incipient civil war, and all the while the US casualties mount. What’s the plan? (War prez link via Medley.)

2 thoughts on “Two-Front War.”

  1. I agree. Being an Australian (and hence part of the “coalition of the wilting”) we are all aware that Iraq is looking like a quagmire – civil war will eventuate with three groups wanting autonomy and some control of Iraq’s economic power (Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds).

    Australia is also in an election year and the leader of the opposition is promoting the withdrawal of Australian troops (ala Spain) if he is elected.

    America’s greed to control middle eastern oil supplies need now take a step backward and consider a more combined effort from all the world (ie. through consensus and the UN) to provide a better collaborative solution as the world should not operate under a US election timetable.

  2. Of course he’s going to pull out. He’d pull out earlier if he could. He’s a fake guy, like a lesbian’s idea of a guy, like the last Kaiser, so, of course he’s going to pull out. That’s what guys do.

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