Triumph of the Swan.

“In the dual role of the enslaved Odette and controlling Odile, Gillian Murphy employed her nearly faultless technique in clear, if uncomplicated, portrayals. Her Odette was skittish and trembly; her Odile a self-satisfied center of attention…Murphy possessed an air of coolness that underscored her technical strength.” Gill’s current Swan Lake run in DC is reviewed by the Post and, while I have some issues with their take (Big Brother protectiveness aside, I think this piece falls into the all-too-common rut in dance criticism of being ever-so-slightly catty to the female lead while unapologetically fawning over the male), it does think well of Gill’s performance and of the production overall, and includes this striking picture above the fold. (Pointed out by Scully of Terrapin Gardens…thanks much!)

One thought on “Triumph of the Swan.”

  1. A quick review of Swan Lake, as seen by a DC resident: Duncan asked to see a performance at the Kennedy Center for her birthday recently, and we agreed Saturday matinee tickets to Swan Lake were the way to go. Sadly, I realized all too late that this particular performance, the matinee, did NOT feature Gillian Murphy. Nonetheless, if the Saturday performance we took in was any indication of the evening shows, they — and no doubt Gillian’s performance, GitM fan bias aside, truly — were breathtaking, virtually flawless, outstanding. Washington Post parsing aside, each performer was simply stunning. We left the Kennedy Center (one of my favorite places in DC, a place I think is undersung in the vast realm of DC sites to see) talking about what a fantastic event we’d just witnessed. If the American Ballet Theatre comes around again, make your way to the Kennedy Center, or wherever they are, and invest some time.

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