3 thoughts on “Their 25 Cents Worth”

  1. I’m usually right there with you, but I have to agree with Slate on this one. The new quarters are extremely lame, except for one or two of them so far. I like the intricately-drawn Charter Oak for Connecticut, Washington crossing the Delaware for New Jersey, and the Rhode Island seascape, but that’s about it. Everything else looks like it was done by a committee with absolutely no aesthetic sense or backbone. Take the quarter for Massachusetts, my adopted home state – a sorry-looking Minuteman against an outline of the state. Come on! If they had wanted to play the historical/Revolutionary angle, they could have done Old Ironsides, or the Boston Tea Party. Is there any real danger that without a map of the state, we’re not going to know what Massachusetts is (or any other state, for that matter)? Of course what Massachusetts should have put on its quarter is the sacred cod, which put Boston and New England on the map and paved the way to self-sufficiency then independence from the Brits in the first place, but I guess that’s just a little too cerebral for the modern denizens of the Bay State.

    Let’s hope the rest of the Union is learning from the stinkers released so far, so that maybe by the time we get to Alaska and Hawaii we’ll have some real honest-to-goodness keepers!

  2. I see your point, but I still think some of the quarters are keepers. Louisiana’s got the Purchase on it, which is kinda cool, and NC really had no choice other than to go Kitty Hawk. (Ok, maybe Michael Jordan…)

  3. Let’s split the difference and call it half-good, half-bad so far! I haven’t seen the LA quarter yet, but I do like Kitty Hawk on the North Carolina quarter. I even like the Kentucky Derby on KY’s!

    Definite stinkers in my book, however, include Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio (the worst of the worst, IMHO), and New York. They all look like they were designed by focus groups…

    Another gem: Vermont’s quarter, with the sugar maple and the guy with a bucket. So it’s not all bad!

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