The A-Rod Write-Off.

Well, thank goodness the GOP Congress has finally done something to alleviate the financial burden of sports team ownership in this country. When I think of all the pain, misery, and degradation that Mark Cuban, George Steinbrenner, and other multi-millionaires have been subjected to by the tax code of late, my heart just sickens. Now hopefully Congress will turn their attention to eliminating the IRS entirely, and I’ll be able to sleep knowing that no corporate CEO or energy baron will ever again be unduly harrassed in this great nation.

One thought on “The A-Rod Write-Off.”

  1. good link. i saw that too and did a doubletake. somewhere i read that cato did a report saying that government spending was the highest it had ever been during the bush administration, and it wasn’t all homeland security – half was iraq and half was run of the mill pork.

    such utter irresponsibility.

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