Obey Wan.

I don’t know what my biggest contribution has been. I think it has been simply showing up for work every day, trying to fight the good fight for average people…But I leave more discontented when I came here because of the terrible things that have been done to this economy by political leaders who allowed Wall Street to turn Wall Street banks into gambling casinos which damned near destroyed the economy.

On the eve of his retirement, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee David Obey has some choice words for the administration, and himself. “I think the more important thing was what was my biggest failure…our failure to stop the ripoff of the middle class by the economic elite of this country, and this is not just something that happened because of the forces of the market.

Madam Speaker | Fiscal Constraint.

For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling. To our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit.” On a day marked by celebration and the temporary cooling of partisan rancor, the Speaker Pelosi era officially begins in Washington. And, true to their word, the Democratic House got an early start on their “100 Hours” platform, passing a comprehensive ethics reform package 435-1 on Thursday (right-wing nut-job and former Clinton nemesis Dan Burton was the sole opposing vote) and a “pay-go” commitment to a balanced budget (as well as an end to anonymous earmarks) on Friday. “‘The one thing we can say about George Bush and his economic policy is: “We are forever in your debt,”‘ Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) told his colleagues on the House floor. ‘On day number two, Democrats have said, “Enough is enough with running up the debt of this country. We’re going to put our fiscal house in order.”‘