SpaceShipTwo Point Oh!

“‘We want this program to be a whole new beginning in a commercial era of space travel,’ Branson said.” You and me both, brother. A little over a year after unveiling the White Knight Two, i.e. the mothership, Richard Branson and Burt Rutan show off the actual cruising craft, SpaceShipTwo.

“SpaceShipTwo is based on Rutan’s design of a stubby white prototype called SpaceShipOne.In 2004, SpaceShipOne captured the $10 million Ansari X Prize by becoming the first privately manned craft to reach space…SpaceShipTwo, built from lightweight composite materials and powered by a hybrid rocket motor, is similar to its prototype cousin with three exceptions. It’s twice as large, measuring 60 feet long with a roomy cabin about the size of a Falcon 900 executive jet.” And the price of a flight is still $200,000 American, so keep saving those pennies.