The Trickle of the Supers…

I posted earlier today on superdelegate Christine Samuels switching from Clinton to Obama. Now, according to the AP, it seems Clinton may be losing a few more: Based on his district’s overwhelming support for the Senator from Illinois, Rep. David Scott (D-GA) has switched to Clinton from Obama, and “two other superdelegates, Sophie Masloff of Pennsylvania and Nancy Larson of Minnesota, are uncommitted, having dropped their earlier endorsements of Clinton.” And, perhaps buttressing TNR’s recent argument that Clinton’s support among Black establishment figures is wavering, none other than Rep. John Lewis goes on record about a possible switch: “‘It could (happen). There’s no question about it. It could happen with a lot of people…we can count and we see the clock,’ he said.” (Which reminds me: A good place to keep track of superdelegate shifts, if you haven’t found it yet, is DemConWatch.)

Update: It’s official. John Lewis switches to Obama. “‘In recent days, there is a sense of movement and a sense of spirit,’ said Mr. Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who endorsed Mrs. Clinton last fall. ‘Something is happening in America and people are prepared and ready to make that great leap…’I’ve been very impressed with the campaign of Senator Obama,’ Mr. Lewis said. ‘He’s getting better and better every single day.’Update 2: Or did he? Now, everyone’s confused.