Fan Team Assemble! | World of Beowulfcraft.

The fanboy/fangirl nation is once again congregating in San Diego this weekend for Comic-Con, so expect a lot of news on that front over the coming days, including more word from Indy 4 (including probably the title) and maybe even (fingers crossed) a Dark Knight teaser. First up, tho’, the new trailer for Robert Zemeckis’ CGI-animated version of Beowulf, with Ray Winstone (CGI-buffed), Angelina Jolie (using her Alexander voice), Robin Wright Penn, and John Malkovich, poses this hypothetical quandary: Can they create an Anthony Hopkins out of pixels that’s hammier than the real guy? We’ll see. I gotta say, it looks a little “WoW cutscene” at times, but my curiosity is piqued.