Native Dems.

In South Dakota, one of the few victories for Dems last Tuesday, Native Americans made the difference. Reading this reminded me of a story I heard the other day. A friend of a friend who hosted our election night viewing had had some dealings with Crossfire host Robert Novak in his prior job. (I had met Novak a few times back in the Carville days, but he always just scowled at me like I was the help.) When this fellow mentioned Native Americans, Novak barked, “I’m a Native American. They’re Indians.” And you wonder why the Lakota voted overwhelmingly Democratic.

Woo boy.

Oh, man…it’s ugly. You know it’s a bad election night when the highlight is seeing Carville wear a trash can on his head. I guess we Dems should’ve expected this the minute most of the party capitulated to Dubya’s wag-the-dog Iraq vote. If you don’t give the American people a choice, they won’t make one. Sigh…

Carville on Stark.

Here’s something else I meant to blog last week and forgot – my old boss is looking to produce a remake of All the King’s Men (It’s below the Hitchens stuff.) I know Carville has some connections with Milos Forman due to his cameoing in The People vs. Larry Flynt…I wonder if he could entice him to direct. At any rate, if this goes down, I may just have to finagle a way to get involved in some capacity, or at least visit the set.