The Stepford Voters.

Each session is like a 90-minute support group dedicated to him…For most of the question-and-answer sessions, the president is endlessly being thanked, for ‘serving our country,’ for ‘everything you did after September 11th.’” Hannah Rosin of the Post attends an “Ask President Bush” pep rally, in which Everyday Americans Just Like You are carefully weeded out in favor of pliant conservatives and Dubya-friendly evangelicals. In Salon, Sidney Blumenthal contextualizes this strategy: “‘Ask President Bush’ has crystallized the essential underlying question, framed succinctly by the greatest American poet of democracy, Walt Whitman, who wrote, ‘The President is there in the White House for you, it is not you who are here for him.’

The Bitter Fruits of Defeat.

Following up on a Franklin Foer TNR article I first saw over at Value Judgement, Hannah Rosin examines the plight of DC’s Deaniacs now that the party’s over. Although it wasn’t nearly as well reported, I remember a similar purge happening after Bill Bradley went down last cycle, and, trust me, they can get ugly. (But, at least last time, all was forgiven after Al Gore screwed up the general.)