Downfall of the Republic.

“Lord Vader…rise.” My, how delightfully apropos. The teaser for Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which will appear in theaters before The Incredibles tomorrow, is now available for Hyperspace members, AOL users, and file-sharers (as well as on some overextended mirrors such as here.) All in all, it’s pretty well done, with a good deal of footage from the other films (particularly A New Hope), and some brief glimpses of the CGI & lightsaber carnage we’re all expecting. Update: Several more mirrors here. Update: It’s now officially available.

Spiky Wheels and Sith Lords.

In somewhat related news, a number of RotK:EE screencaps turn up online, including new and spoiler-filled looks at Voice of Saruman and the Mouth of Sauron. And, along the same lines, some official Episode III pics are released, perhaps to offset this extremely spoiler-laden review of the final installment. Update: The official official Ep. III teaser poster gets out, and, well, it’s kinda lame.

Joey and the Bat / Gary vs. the Empire.

In the fanboy bin, Bruce Wayne’s girl-of-the-moment Katie Holmes talks a little about Batman Begins, and Gary Oldman opts out of Revenge of the Sith due to its being a non-SAG production.

Forthcoming Issues / Darth Awakens.

AICN reports some (somewhat dubious) rumors on a slew of comic book sequels, including Hellboy 2, Spiderman 3, and X3/X4. Also in the sequel department, Episode 3 — now apparently titled Rise of the Empire — gets the Latham Film treatment. (They previously made the Hobbit and RotK fan teasers, although this one, frankly, isn’t quite up to snuff.)