Darth Timberlake.

Filming has started on Episode III, and as such the official site premiered Anakin’s new look, which apparently is meant to accord with the ’70’s aesthetic of Star Wars. Not exactly the menacing visage I originally envisioned under the mask. Update: As Scully noted in the comments, the pic’s been taken down, by order of Lucas. Trust me, you didn’t miss much.

Send in the Clone.

The first goofy Episode 3 rumor making the rounds (Remember when Christopher Walken, Gabriel Byrne, and Jimmy Smits were all supposed to be in Attack of the Clones? Ok, the last one actually happened.) has Scott Glenn boarding the Death Star for the final installment. I’ll believe it when I see it. In other Ep. 3 news, is this drawing of a staff-wielding warrior Chewbacca what we can expect in 2005? All I gotta say is Lucas will have to knock this movie out of the park to erase the bad taste of the past two prequels and Yoda’s speech last night, which was as stilted and embarrassing as Gollum’s was funny.