Here Comes the Reign Again.

Although not as much news about Return of the King leaked out from Comiccon as I would have liked, ex-Eurythmics siren Annie Lennox has announced she’s singing on the “title” track (like Enya [“May it Be”] and Emiliana Torrini [“Gollum’s Song”] before her.) Well, I prefer this to the Liv Tyler song rumor that went around a few months back, even if that is a bit unfair (I’ve never heard Tyler sing.) Perhaps they’ll both make the final cut.

Thief! Baggins! We hates it forever!

Tickets for The Two Towers seemed to have gone on sale today…everywhere but Manhattan. Grrr… As recompense, though, “Gollum‘s Song,” the very Bjork-like coda to the film (much like Enya’s “May it Be” for Fellowship), is now available for download here. And as for the rest of the soundtrack…well, I really have no recollection of downloading it from Kazaa, but I suppose I might have…(Don’t worry, I’ll buy it also.)

Foundations of Stone.

With a little more than a month to go (better start boning up now), TTT news is coming fast and furious. The soundtrack listing is out, meaning beaucoup spoilers for how the movie starts and ends (don’t go if you don’t want to know), along with a number of new pics. (My friend on the inside told me Bjork was going to be on the soundtrack, but I suspect he confused her with fellow Icelander Emiliana Torrini.) If you’re getting annoyed with all the LOTR coverage here, by the way…I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.