Snatching Defeat…

“You know what I think? I don’t think we have a message.” With the administration faltering weekly, multiple investigations into GOP corruption coming to a head, and several congressional Republicans calling it quits (including longtime House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas), the Post surveys the varying Democratic strategies to win back Congress in 2006. Frankly, folks, it doesn’t look good, even given the great hand we’ve been dealt of late. As you might expect from Will Rogers’ famous dictum, no two people mentioned in this article — Reid, Pelosi, Dean, Emanuel, Schumer, Vilsack — seem to be on the same page.

The Closer.

In a “major shift in legislative strategy” aimed at preserving Dubya’s ill-advised privatization plan, the White House turns Social Security legislation over to House Ways and Means chairman Bill Thomas. “The California Republican saved President Bush’s tax cut in 2003, [and] has never lost a vote on the floor…Thomas, a mercurial lawmaker and former college professor who relishes a challenge, ‘wants to get in the game,’ whether or not the GOP leadership wants him to, said one corporate lobbyist with close ties to House leaders.