Summoning the Spirit of Enron.

After a week of considerable coverage for Dean (due to his second-quarter funding success), John Edwards tries to get back in the game by unveiling his corporate accountability plan. As usual, I think Edwards is playing this smart. The issue shores up his Populist creds while drawing attention to an area where Dubya is dismal. And Edwards still holds a trump card, in that he is the only top-tier candidate with an answer to the Dem’s Southern problem. It’d be nice to see Edwards, Dean, and Kerry go head-to-head-to-head in a real debate, but first the field still needs to be culled, of course.

3 thoughts on “Summoning the Spirit of Enron.”

  1. You’re close, Kevin, but not quite. The Dem’s have a (potential) Southern problem, but — and I’m asking nicely, because it’s still a little early to get harsh — keep an eye on Graham. No, he’s not in the top tier…yet. He’s good on fundraising, he’s a former (and popular) governor and he fixes the Democratic Southern problem in spades. There’s big talk now of him being a possible VP pick. I’d be careful. I know a number of folks on his team, and it’s a good one.

    Stay cool, watch what happens over the summer.
    Should be a treat.

  2. Sorry, but Graham is not even in the running. The only thing most voters outside of Florida know about him is that he had heart surgery right before announcing his candidacy. If people had qualms about Cheney’s ticker, they certainly will stay away from Graham as a presidential candidate. VP has possibility, but I really hope not. Right now my personal favorite ticket is Dean/Edwards.

  3. As I said in my e-mail, you’re probably right that it’s too early to discount Graham, if he can in fact hold his home state. That being said, his right-on-terror strategy just doesn’t resonate with me, nor – I expect – with the Democratic base. Plus, we in South Carolina (and I expect elsewhere) don’t necessarily consider Florida the South…

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