Summer Hours.

Yes, yes, quiet again here at GitM (and at Revise & Dissent, where I’ve been even more negligent about posting.) There’s been quite a bit of traveling on this end — a visit to my my sister‘s summer pad in Cambridge, an HVL wedding in New Hampshire (Congrats!), and, currently, a few days’ retreat on the Jersey shore. And, I’ve been busier than usual with work-related matters, since – as most all grad students out there know — summer is more often than not the fend-for-yourself lean season of our profession-to-be. At any rate, updates may continue to be sparse around here for the next few weeks…apologies in advance. And, for those few of you still dropping by, I’ll try to keep at least a few scintillating links on the front page through the remainder of the summer…I promise!

2 thoughts on “Summer Hours.”

  1. Maybe you will catch the upcoming film ..The Descent….? It has a 90 plus approval rating at Rotten tomatoes. opens 8/4. Would like to hear your take on it

  2. It’s on the list…Alas, I’m way behind on my movie-watching at the moment, what with A Scanner Darkly out for ages now and Michael Mann’s Miami Vice out as of this weekend. I’ll catch up someday, tho!

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