Strategery in Action.

As for Iraq, it’s no news that Bush has no strategy. What did come as news — and, really, a bit of a shocker — is that he doesn’t seem to know what ‘strategy’ means.Slate‘s Fred Kaplan tears apart another dismal Dubya press conference. At this point, it’s a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, isn’t it?

2 thoughts on “Strategery in Action.”

  1. It is going to get worse before it gets better and it will start getting better the day Bush leaves office..

  2. It is stunning to me to watch the events unfold in the US as your President continues on his current path of isolating himself and his country with his actions and lies. Unfortunately, here in the United Kingdom, our Prime Minister seems to have to gone to the same school of thought. The world is a more dangerous place, sure. But are the US and UK part of the problem or the solution? I sincerely hope that we both look at what is happening and make the necessary changes.

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