So that explains it…

“Despite the attention blogs can get, the poll said 56 percent of Americans say they never read blogs that discuss politics. Another 23 percent read them several times a year, the survey showed. While blogs are largely considered the realm of young people who are most Internet-savvy, only 19 percent of people ages 18 to 31, and 17 percent of those ages 32 to 43, regularly read a political blog, the poll said.” A new Harris Interactive poll finds that most people don’t read political blogs. Believe me, I’ve noticed. :s

2 thoughts on “So that explains it…”

  1. well, for what it’s worth, you are my #1 political blog. actually, do daily show clips online count? anyhow, keep up the good work.

  2. Well, you are actually the only blog I read regularly, and my husband splits time between you and Italian political blogster Beppe Grillo, so you can count two more (30-40 demographic) Americans among your entourage. (I’m not sure if points are deducted for our belonging to Eric’s family, though 🙂 Thanks for the hard work and for making our lives that much more interesting…

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