Snow and Light.

Hope y’all had a safe and merry christmas. Berk and I are still in Norfolk, where we (like many) enjoyed a surprisingly white Boxing Day. Santa brought a sleek new digital camera to replace the clunky, floppy-disk model I’ve been lugging around since the 20th century, so expect more Flickr-integration around here in the near future. I also received some nice new threads as befitting a soon-to-be-thirty-year-old, some quality time-consuming games (most notably Halflife II and KotOR II, or, as I’ll be referring to them, January and February), and an assortment of DVDs, books, and assorted other media I’ve had my eye on. (And, if you’re keeping score, Berk procured his share of bones and bacon-smelling items too…although he’s spent much of the week trying to pick a fight with the inflatable moose head I gave my mother.)

This year, my brother also introduced a new element to the usual family fare of poker, Scrabble, and Halo/2: electrocution, by way of Lightning Reaction and Shocking Tanks, two electrifying games soon to be banned in a state near you…Ouch.