Severe Browser Issues.

I’ve just discovered this site looks absolutely afflicted to anyone using Netscape, Mozilla, or any browser outside the IE family. I’m sure this is a problem with my lousy coding, but have no clue how to fix it. Anyone have any ideas? Update: Ah, BMK of Bump on a Log figured it out…the sitemeter code was playing havoc with Netscape while it was nested in the sidebar table. Now that it’s been moved to the bottom of the page, the situation has resolved itself. Strange.

3 thoughts on “Severe Browser Issues.”

  1. ya while Im at work or in class and bored I go log onto it with netscape and….all that came up was a friggin sidebar lol. Lemme check if its aight tommorow gbty.

  2. Kevin, it is still afflicted, and take eons to load, but what do I know, I’m just an AOL user.
    Keep up the good bloggin’!

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