Seein’ all the angles.

By way of Lots of Co (and Triptych Cryptic), and in honor of the new no late fee policy at Blockbuster, here’s the Online Film Critics Society’s “Top 100 Overlooked Films of the 1990s“. I have no clue how Mystery Men, Sneakers or The Ref snuck on here, but any list that puts Miller’s Crossing at #1 is alright by me.

6 thoughts on “Seein’ all the angles.”

  1. Beyond happy that “Defending Your Life” made it on the list. Pillsbury and I have an unhealthy obsession.

    But I respectfully disagree with you about “The Ref.” That one grows on you over time.

  2. Hmmmm…They have “Welcome to the Dollhouse” on their list, but not “Happiness”?
    Interesting…I much preferred the latter film by Solondz.

  3. Ok, I’ll defer on The Ref. I haven’t seen it in ages.

    And, Maja, I also much prefer Happiness to Dollhouse, although I can see why it wouldn’t be everyone’s cuppa tea.

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