Sayonara, Cha-Cha.

Greetings from San Diego, where I’m on the last day of my west coast swing. Those of you located in SoCal, that sonic boom you heard was Dennis Miller screaming down the Murphometer after my reading this story. I knew he had a show coming out on FOX News, but I had wrongly assumed it was counterprogramming…I suppose I should’ve known better.

One thought on “Sayonara, Cha-Cha.”

  1. I was as surprised as you were, Kevin. Over the last several weeks, I saw Miller on The Daily Show and The View (that says a lot about where I get my news, but anyway…), and he was so slobberingly pro-Bush and anti-Democrat that I thought it was some sort of act.

    Then I heard about the FOX News show and it all started coming together. So now he’s just an asshole instead of a “funny asshole.”

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