Prospect Pop Quiz.

“For $800: DAILY DOUBLE!!!!: Thomas Edison is more famous, but this man’s alternating-current system actually won out over Edison’s direct-current variation.” [Think The PrestigeNicola Tesla.] The American Prospect‘s Michael Tomasky offers up a Jeopardy-style cultural literacy test in American history and political philosophy. (Via The Late Adopter.)

2 thoughts on “Prospect Pop Quiz.”

  1. I wouldn’t fret…it’s a pretty goofy test, and is weighted way too heavily towards mid-20th century political theory. I only knew a lot of ’em due to my fourth field orals reading (and still missed several, including the cafeteria, Mr. Kite, Arbenz, etc.)

    I’d like to see how Tomasky fares on a more general cultural literacy test. Hey, Tomasky, think quick — name the members of Led Zeppelin and the Big Seven in the Justice League. And, while we’re at it, how do you make fire?

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