Powell’s Used.

Stick a fork in him, and say goodbye to what semblance of multilateralism has existed in the Dubya era. To Rummy’s relish (and to no one’s surprise) Colin Powell’s ignominious tenure at State is through. Seemingly well-intentioned but weak and sidelined most of the time, Powell’s tour at State will probably be best remembered for his losing battles with the Neocons and his embarrassing and misleading performance before the United Nations in 2003.

Following Powell out the door are Education Secretary Rod Paige, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. Margaret Spellings, Dubya’s domestic policy advisor, is taking Paige’s gig…I dread to think who else will sign on for Dubya II. Ken Lay at Energy? John Danforth has been mentioned as a possible Powell replacement, but, heck, why not pull Helms out of mothballs? Update: Looks like it’s Condi…and more of the same.

4 thoughts on “Powell’s Used.”

  1. So, Kevin, I wonder if you have any picks for any of the other (admittedly less interesting) cabinet vacancies: Secs Education, Energy, Ag.?
    I understand that Tommy Thompson is headed out next, possibly to be replaced by the governor of my home state (and one of my last political campaign foes), Mike Huckabee.

  2. Dunno, really. I guess there’s an off-chance they might pick a Dem (of the Zell Miller mold) for one post to replace Paige and preserve the illusion of bipartisanship. And the Bushies will definitely want a hardcore loyalist at Energy, since that (like AG) is one of the prime loci for 2nd term scandals.

    They still have to pay off Marc Racicot for all his water-carrying, right?

  3. I’d like to see Condi raked over the coals (not in a Keyshawn way, mind you) by the Senate Dems. Ask her a bunch more of the same types of questions she dodged during the 9/11 Commission hearings.

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