Look Ma, No Toilet.

Last Friday, the Pentagon admitted that a Quran — and detainee — were in fact urinated on by a guard at Guantanamo. But, according to the eagerly dismissive White House, there’s no need to court-martial anybody or anything. (Heck, you should hear about Dubya’s crazy pledge days.) In the meantime, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) took time off from castigating Howard Dean to call for the closing of Guantanamo.

2 thoughts on “Look Ma, No Toilet.”

  1. K, how do you get “in fact urinated on” from that WaPo article? Maybe this is going to strike you as semantic wrangling, but the article says that a “guard had left his observation post to go
    outside to urinate. The wind blew his urine through an air vent into the cell block.” Most people would read “urinated on” to imply
    intent. Were you?

  2. Good…the questionable comment problem is fixed.

    As I said offline, G, that excuse doesn’t, um, hold water with me. Are we talking gale force winds here? And it just so happened the guard was pissing near an air vent? We had a similar event occur to a security guard at my high school one year, and “the wind blew it away” was the excuse the perp locked on to as well.

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