In his mind, he’s gone to Carolina.

The wait is over, and, in a very good decision by the Kerry team, John Edwards joins the Democratic ticket. This seems like a very smart call (although also a bit of a no-brainer…is there a single person in America who would’ve voted for Kerry because Gephardt was veep? Heck, even Nader knew the right choice) Edwards not only balances Kerry nicely (Southerner/son of a mill worker), but should seem an order of magnitude more appealing than the disgruntled and curmudgeonly Big Time in the debates. Plus, his optimism and good humor will be an enormous asset when the real mud starts flying in the fall.

All in all, as I said when he came to Columbia a few months back, Edwards has a great future in the Democratic party and American politics, and it’s wonderful news that he made the ticket (and has become an instant future contender for the Oval Office.) Go team go.

3 thoughts on “In his mind, he’s gone to Carolina.”

  1. That’s what they needed; an inexperienced senator, with a nice haircut, who’s more liberal than Hillary. Plus, he’s an ambulance-chasing trial lawyer.

    The Republicans are as happy about this as anybody.

    Tell the Florida democrats to sharpen their chad punchers. They’ll need every vote they can get.

  2. Yep – he’s an ambulance chaser alright. Some doctor messed up and caused a girl to get CF. He took that case, the greedy bastard.

    And better a trial lawyer who hold corporations accountable than a CEO who screws over Americans (cough, Cheney, cough).

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