Hope it’s a Capital One.

Faced with the grim morning-after receipts of Dubya’s feckless splurging and deficit-exploding tax cuts, the Senate is forced raise the debt limit by $800 billion (again) to stop the government from going into default. “Though an increase in the debt ceiling was never in doubt, Republican leaders in both houses of Congress postponed action on it last month, until after the elections, to deprive Democrats of a chance to accuse them of fiscal irresponsibility.”

2 thoughts on “Hope it’s a Capital One.”

  1. Turned on the radio today and ther was some Marine Colonel talking about insurgency. The long and the short of it was this guy eventually said that it will take at least ten years to complete the task in Iraq and failure would mean a destabilization of the Middle East. What will ten years cost in Iraq? I wonder? Will people be willing to spend the money? Will Jesus nation stick it out? This is sure going to be interesting. Maybe the Chinese will own us sooner than we think.

  2. Today another bad piece of news Dollarwise, this story keeps gettin worsehttp://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1122/p01s01-usec.html

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