One thought on “Head of the pack.”

  1. My plan: Take Guliani and plug him in for VP, and then pair him up with any stiff who has a hint of charimsa, a pretty clean record to avoid attacks, and the dems got a win. K man? Hey….it could happen. In my calculations with the consistent yet gradual decline of his popularity, it could be around 55% in ’04. But my worry is Bush is holding on to his trump card as close to ’04 as possible. What is that? Iraq.
    He won’t make his old man’s mistake, he will pull the trigger much closer to election time and either ride it’s laurels to another victory or else if we haven’t won come November he will claim the country would be wrong to transplant administrations amidst war. lol. But hey, it was probably his advisors who came up with this…

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