Hail Mary for the Chief.

“‘The president’s run into a perfect political storm where the confluence of natural disasters from last fall, gasoline prices, staff changes, the continuing war in Iraq, all are giving conservatives a defensive fatigue,’ said Kenneth Khachigian, a California GOP strategist who served in Ronald Reagan’s White House. ‘And let’s put immigration in there, too…There’s just wave after wave washing over them at this point.’” In another of their semi-weekly reports on Dubya’s lame duck quacking, the WP reports that the administration is looking to the November midterms as their last, best hope for a turnaround. But, unfortunately for them, more and more “safe” GOP districts are now in play as a result of the growing anti-Republican mood across the nation. “‘In a nationalized election, the typical laws of gravity get thrown out the window…Under-funded candidates beat better-funded candidates, and entrenched incumbents lose to first-time challengers.