FISA fights back.

The secret court overseeing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) rebuff Ashcroft’s plea for increased wiretap powers, and declares the FBI has misled the court over 75 times. Never thought I’d be on the side of a secret court, but there you go. It must be getting really ugly over at Justice if somebody’s leaking this bad boy.

2 thoughts on “FISA fights back.”

  1. I listened to a report about this on NPR this morning, and I’m like you–surprisingly gleeful that the secret court smacked Ashcroft down. Maybe it’s just because I’m teaching The Crucible right now, but suddenly I’m all nervous about all these idiots in charge of our justice system…

  2. Though I agree with the ruling, you could very well notice a totally different and justifiable perspective from the opposition. To place it in a literary context, it would be like the “I, Tituba…” view of say the justice system in total disagreement with that of “The Crucible”…even thought he underlying factors remain constant in both.

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