Feeding the Beast.

Need a loan? Call American Airlines. By way of Drop the Hammer, a spokesman for the company rationalizes its $5000 donation to the Tom DeLay defense fund on the grounds that, despite laundering half a mill of PAC-money through his family over the past three years, the Hammer is “facing substantial legal bills that he was unable to pay personally because of their size and his limited resources.” Aw, shucks, how nice of ’em. It’s like something out of a Capra film, ain’t it? Hopefully, American will be equally generous to the 500 workers they just laid off in Kansas City.

By the way, if you haven’t been keeping up with Boss DeLay’s recent shenanigans, Lou Dubose offers a concise overview in today’s Salon, with further comment by David Paul Kuhn on the political fallout for the GOP and Joe Conason on previous DeLay family boondoggles.

2 thoughts on “Feeding the Beast.”

  1. wow- i didn’t know the lobbying connection. that’s really the underreported missing link to the republican revolution, huh? this article is like a primer on how DC really works…

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