Elephant’s End.

“Every revolution begins with the power of an idea and ends when clinging to power is the only idea left. The epitaph for the movement that started when Newt Gingrich and his forces rose from the back bench of the House chamber in 1994 may well have been written last week in the same medium that incubated it: talk radio.” As Foleygate continues to conflagrate and the FBI looks for answers, a TIME cover story wonders if the Republican Revolution of 1994 is dead. Yep.

One thought on “Elephant’s End.”

  1. Whew, I don’t know, Kevin. It would seem that way, today, Monday, October 9. But we’ve got nearly four weeks exactly until Election day — a lifetime in politics. And (thanks in large part to our ousted friend Tom Delay), Congress has something like a 98% retention rate. It’s nuts. The political calculus on this thing is hard to figure — Abramoff, plus Ney & Delay, plus Iraq, plus mixed economic numbers, plus Foleygate, plus Woodward’s book times the disgust of the American populace should equal a Democratic sweep.

    The key word there is “should.” I remain hopeful.


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