Dead Heat in Des Moines.

Just when you think it’s over, Iowa gets crazy, with no less than four candidates — Dean, Gephardt, Kerry, and Edwards — all in a statistical dead heat. Hmmm. While I’m still hoping Dean can nip a protracted primary fight in the bud right here (particularly given the huge GOP bankroll), I’m also glad to see John Edwards entering the top tier of candidates. At any rate, it looks like it’ll all come down to get-out-the-vote on the big day, which should help Dean, who’s got the fervor, and Gephardt, who’s got the unions and a sixteen-year-old organization.

3 thoughts on “Dead Heat in Des Moines.”

  1. btw… i hung with tara over break back in boston. her boyfriend is working for kerry in NH. she said it was surprising how many undecided’s she was talking to on the phone, or how superficial the dean support was at this point. for what it’s worth.

  2. Dean’s got an ace up his sleeve – first time voters not factored into current polling – rumored to be 65% of his total support which would place him well over 30% on caucus night. Just a rumor, but seems plausible. In any case, be prepared for the unexpected.

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