Doubting the Dianoga.

1. Ignoring the question of how Princess Leia could possibly know where the trash compactor is, or that the vent she blasts open leads to a good hiding place for the rescue crew, why are there vents leading down there at all? Would not vents leading into any garbage-disposal system allow the fetid smell of rotting garbage, spores, molds, etc., to seep up into the rest of the Death Star?” Resolved: The Death Star’s trash compactor makes no sense. (By way of Pop Culture Junk Mail.)

Forthcoming Issues / Darth Awakens.

AICN reports some (somewhat dubious) rumors on a slew of comic book sequels, including Hellboy 2, Spiderman 3, and X3/X4. Also in the sequel department, Episode 3 — now apparently titled Rise of the Empire — gets the Latham Film treatment. (They previously made the Hobbit and RotK fan teasers, although this one, frankly, isn’t quite up to snuff.)

Got a light?

Big-time raging Episode 3 spoilers today, including looks at the new Big Bad (General Grievous…couldn’t at least one villain be named something like Darth Sunflower?) and a post-Volcano Anakin that looks like he’s been hanging around the waiting room in Beetlejuice. Update: Emerging fanboy consensus seems to be that this second pic is semi-fake. The head is real, the body is not, and the arm is that of the T-800. So there you have it.

Haircut 100.

A day after the announcement of the Original Trilogy DVDs (coming this September – unfortunately, they’re the Greedo-shoots-first versions), a new wave of Episode III pics make it online, including Anakin and Padme in full, bad-hair glory. After killing Indy IV due to a, ahem, *bad script*, Lucas now has extra pressure to make this Star Wars movie a keeper. Well, I for one have gone to the dark side…if there’s hope for this franchise, I don’t sense it.

Visions to Come.

It’s been a quiet January as usual for fanboy and fangirls, and particularly in the wake of the Grey Havens last month. But lots of news out and about today: Terry Gilliam and James Cameron both discuss their next projects (The Brothers Grimm and Untitled Big Idea CGI Sci-Fi respectively), USA Today looks at a number of fantasy projects (including Lemony Snicket, Narnia, Elric, Artemis Fowl, and The Hobbit), and a longer trailer premieres for Frodo (and Charlie Kaufman’s) next project, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, also featuring Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Tom Wilkinson, Kirsten Dunst, and Mark Ruffalo (previous trailer here.) Also, we’ve got a few more new Spidey II pics, some small Episode III tidbits, and The Ring‘s Martin Henderson possibly up for Superman. (Hmm…I hope not.)