Books, Bagginses, Belluccis.

A slew of teaser posters for long-awaited flicks have hit the web in the past few days, included the one-sheet for Adaptation, four more character-oriented TTT posters, and this first look at the lovely Monica Bellucci as Persephone in the Matrix sequels. (Notice her head isn’t cut off as in the first six preview posters…as it turns out full versions of each of them can be seen at the official site.)

Foundations of Stone.

With a little more than a month to go (better start boning up now), TTT news is coming fast and furious. The soundtrack listing is out, meaning beaucoup spoilers for how the movie starts and ends (don’t go if you don’t want to know), along with a number of new pics. (My friend on the inside told me Bjork was going to be on the soundtrack, but I suspect he confused her with fellow Icelander Emiliana Torrini.) If you’re getting annoyed with all the LOTR coverage here, by the way…I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.

My Precioussss….

The official poster for TTT debuts….looks like no love for Merry and Pippen this time, or Eomer, Faramir, Theoden, Treebeard, or Wormtongue, for that matter. Nevertheless, we’ve got less than two months until the big show, and exactly two weeks until the extended Fellowship…it’s a good time to be alive. Update: Are PJ and Sir Ian thinking of The Hobbit?

A new power is rising.

Treebeard! Gollum! Balrog! Oliphaunt! Wargs! The Two Towers trailer has arrived, and it looks absolutely amazing…It’s a thing of beauty, and the Requiem for a Dream theme fits nicely too. I’m not sure how I feel yet about what PJ’s doing with Elrond (And where are he and Aragorn having this discussion?), but he’s earned my trust thus far. Update: Take it frame-by-frame.