In a Work Hole.

Hey y’all. Updates have been intermittent this past week due to my catching up with all the work I was supposed to be doing while I was in Hawaii, meaning very long days fashioning history powerpoint slides for a textbook company. Now that that task’s finished, I need to get back to my primary research work, reading through and organizing the papers of Henry Luce and his contemporaries for a professor. At any rate, it’s going to be busy around here right up until the start of term, so I apologize if the updates get more sparse than usual. In happier news, regarding the burning of my feet (mentioned here last week), today was the first day since said burning that it didn’t hurt to put on my shoes…although Berkeley stepping on said shoe immediately thereafter was not a happy experience.

What’s that, boy? Timmy got soaked in a rainstorm?

So Berk and I went to the dog park as usual this sweltering morning and, not five minutes after we get there, he starts whimpering and pawing at the gate – something I’ve never seen him do before. So we leave, and he basically drags me home at a full clip the whole ten minutes. Just as we get to the doorstep, the sky splits open and a wicked thunderstorm emerges right on top of us. Vast sheets of rain and thunder so nearby I’m expecting a power outage any minute. It’s nice sometimes to have a PreCog dog.

A Dad’s Best Friend.

Turns out Dubya talks more about his dogs these days than he does his daughters. Hmmm…maybe it’s because his dogs don’t get blitzed every weekend, and because they don’t seem to mind when he, ahem, “chokes on a pretzel” during an afternoon football game. As a prof of mine noted, any dog owner’ll tell you that if your dogs don’t freak out when you suddenly hit the ground, they’re just used to seeing you pass out in strange places.