A Categorical Imperative.

FYI: As you may or may not have noticed, the list of categories to the right has been growing considerably over the past few days. This is because, [a] to take advantage of the usual summer lull, [b] in true bored historian form, I’m indulging my penchant for archiving, [c] since 90-95% of GitM‘s hits are Google searches anyway, and [d] since I didn’t really think through how long it was going to take when I started, I’ve decided to go back through the archives and tag up the old posts with more detailed categories.

After several hours of work, I’m only to December 2007, so this should take a few weeks to complete, on and off. (And the Geocities era (1999-2002) will remain untouched for now.) But, hopefully, the backlog of posts will be more useful in the future.