Bush III?

I would like to see Jeb run at some point in time, but I have no idea if that’s his intention or not.” Like his father before him, Dubya tries to fire up the Jeb train. Yeah, right. As if this administration hasn’t made us look enough like a banana republic already, why don’t we add the president’s brother into the mix? Besides, Dubya’s poll numbers being what they are, I think it’ll be some time before a majority of the electorate decides to back another Bush family scion. In the immortal words of our current prez: “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me’ — you can’t get fooled again.

One thought on “Bush III?”

  1. You misunderestimate the iggerence of the American KKKristian people. When the economy implodes, the dollar is worth more as a bum-wipe than as currency, and staged “terrorist” attacks on the U.S. soil gives the Repugs an excuse to launch a nuclear attack on Iran, President Cheney (he’s really running things) will have a “health crisis” and resign. That will leave Bush the Third open for nomination as V.P. A lackey Congress, in place thanks to your crooked Diebold voting machines, will approve. Then future “elections” will be cancelled due to the national state of emergency. I used to think the U.S. was going fascist. I was wrong. It’s FEUDALISM! At least we keep our monarch on the other side of the planet…

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