Anxious in Superland.

“‘A key question to me is how the candidates would affect the down-ballot races,’ said Steven Achelpohl, the Democratic state chairman in Nebraska. ‘I think Obama would have a more positive impact on our other races out here in Nebraska.’” The NYT surveys the general mood among undecided supers at the moment, and finds them mostly nervous and looking for closure. “While many superdelegates said they intended to keep their options open as the race continued to play out over the next three months, the interviews suggested that the playing field was tilting slightly toward Mr. Obama in one potentially vital respect. Many of them said that in deciding whom to support, they would adopt what Mr. Obama’s campaign has advocated as the essential principle: reflecting the will of the voters.” Good. I figured the opinion that Oregon super Bill Bradbury voiced in the WP would not be a common one, and particularly now that Pelosi has weighed in to the contrary.