Americas Two, Red and Blue.

The good news: The Dems are up big on Bush (Kerry by 12, Edwards by 10). The bad news: A Zogby poll suggests there’s been no movement in the red state/blue state dichotomy quite yet. Hmm…this Zogby poll would be more interesting if it gave state-by-state numbers.

One thought on “Americas Two, Red and Blue.”

  1. this Zogby poll would be more interesting if it gave state-by-state numbers.

    I had a similar experience with the recent ABC Primetime poll about literal belief in the Bible — not all the data was provided, even in the pdf “full report”. For instance, the results were broken down into categories (Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical Protestant) but there was no way to tell what proportion of the total sample each category made up. I wanted to play with the numbers, but was stymied.

    I think it’s deliberate: they don’t want anyone fact-checking their wordy “analysis”.

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