American Mullah.

“We ask for miracles in regard to the Supreme Court…One justice is 83-years-old, another has cancer and another has a heart condition. Would it not be possible for God to put it in the minds of these three judges that the time has come to retire?” Pat Robertson calls on God to put a hit out on three Supreme Court justices following Lawrence v. Texas. Well, while we’re praying for people’s “removal”…

2 thoughts on “American Mullah.”

  1. People of the Gay lifestyle appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
    Pat Robertson and Conservetive Christians are appealing to the Ultimate Court and Supreme Being.

    Than You
    JD Zimmerman

  2. JD, lay off the holy water, dude.

    Too bad Pat doesn’t use his powers to communicate directly with god to ask him to, well, you know, cure disease, eliminate hunger, etc.


    Maybe he’ll find time to ask god for these things after asking him to wack liberal judges and send tons of money to his own bank account.

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