
Let’s put our heads together, and start a new country up…” Well, it’s been a week. So now what? Howard Dean says put me in charge (Sure, he can’t be worse than McAuliffe), James Carville says let’s find a new story (and Keep It Simple, Stupid), and John Kerry, well, he’s “fired up” about returning to the Senate (?)…and has started contemplating a 2008 run.

3 thoughts on “Aftermath.”

  1. I think Dean as chair is a great idea. And I think his name recognition and commitment to the cause (who else organizaed on behalf of the party AFTER losing their bid?) will go a long way. More so than the others being mentioned who are basically unknowns outside of Wonkville.

    I can imagine you aren’t a fan of Donna Brazile, but that is a presumption.

  2. There’s nothing in the article you linked that suggests that Dean is actually lobbying for this position. Now, that may be my bias that he not take it — I think it’s more important that he focus on DFA rather than the hidebound Democratic party — but it’s not clear to me from anything I’ve read that he’s decided he wants it. He’d be foolish to rule it out at this point, but that doesn’t mean he’s said that he wants to be “put in charge.”

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