Academy Fight Song.

As most everyone knows by now, the Oscars were announced yesterday, with Miramax the big winner. Like Missy, I’m tempted to just ignore the Academy, since very rarely have the movies I would’ve chosen been recognized. Titanic is the only Oscar winner in years that I think legitimately deserved best picture, and I know I’m in the minority on that count (particularly as it’s become fashionable nowadays for everyone to say they hated it. Well, somebody else out there helped it make a billion dollars.) It’s hard to respect an awards ceremony that continually honors schmaltzy dreck like The English Patient, American Beauty, Gladiator, and A Beautiful Mind over films like Fight Club, Fargo, Being John Malkovich, Three Kings, Traffic, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring, and In the Bedroom. But, I suspect I’ll eventually make my picks here and then be disappointed as usual. All I know is, Return of the King better get a lot of love next year.

3 thoughts on “Academy Fight Song.”

  1. I’m nowhere near the fan of LOTR as you are, and I expected Peter Jackson to win Best Director. That he wasn’t even nominated is something I can’t even get my head around.

  2. Count me as one who never even tried to see Titanic 🙂 I mean, really, the boat sinks. Where’s the drama? 🙂

    I also never have seen ET, and I am proud of that 🙂

  3. A few friends and I were having a similar type of conversation the other day, about what movies you can’t believe you’ve never seen. Just to keep the meme going, I’ve never seen Goodfellas or the first hour of Platoon, although I suppose I will someday.

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